
雅思大作文范文“政府是否应该控制媒体当中的暴力内容以减少真实社会中的暴力犯罪 ”

2017-05-23 03:13:42 来源:北外网课


The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the level of violent crime in society.

Do you agree or disagree?


同意/ 不同意


Sample Writing:

It is considered by some people that government should take responsibility to regulate the media so as to protect the public from being harmed by violent crimes. The reason is obvious - violence begets violence, however, there are other factors need to be taken into consideration.

regulate 控制,规定

beget 产生,引起

The authorities should censor television and films since media violence is a primary contributing factor to youth violence. The stark reality of brutal youth aggression derives from the bad role models in the media. If all types of movie and TV shows are accessible for unlimited audience, teenager would be easily affected, as they cannot distinguish whether the information is health or not. Gangster movies and cult films which glorify violence would send the wrong message to the youth and lead to the blind imitation. TV shows such as WWE, MMA and the UFC are just another illustration of the potential negative influence. Therefore media misleads teenagers which turn to be a big trouble for the society; they may reckon committing violent crimes as showing off their guts. To keep the society in security, the government is responsible to keep the teenagers to grow in a healthy environment by screening out the wrong messages.

the authorities 当局,政府

censor 监管 (v.)

stark reality 残酷的现实

brutal 残忍的

derive from 源自于


cult film邪典电影 (例如昆丁导演的)

glorify 赞扬,歌颂 (v.)

blind imitation 盲目模仿

WWE美国职业摔角(World Wrestling Entertainment)

MMA综合格斗 (mixed martial arts)

UFC终极格斗锦标赛(Ultimate Fighting Championship)

gut 勇气

screen out 筛选掉

However, this issue can be examined from other angles: the right of free speech and the rule of art. Firstly, free speech is a basic human right for every citizen, if media is strictly controlled by government in purpose of avoiding crimes, there is a possibility that the negative side of the society is shielded at the same time. We need to be kept informed about the true nature of the society that we live in, including the dark side. If we admit that humanity has always been violent, then government regulation is not going to improve the situation, it may even make things worse by introducing bureaucracy. More specifically, the statistical correlation between television viewing and aggression are questionable. Secondly, film and television programmes, as a kind of artistic expression, should reflect what society as a whole does, instead of propagating the positive side only. Whats more, movies are made for entertainment purposes and the majority of people can tell the difference between artistic creation and the reality. If there is something needs to be changed to reduce the crime in society, the change needs to come from within and not be imposed from without.

free speech 言论自由

shield 遮弊,包庇

humanity 人性

bureaucracy 官僚主义

statistical correlation 统计相关性

propagate 宣传

entertainment 娱乐

impose 强加

On balance, whether government should impose stricter censorship on media is a multifaceted issue which needs more consideration. As I see, certain degree of rating is needed to protect the minors, but this cannot be the reason to restrict free artistic display and the reflection of the authentic social situation.  

on balance 总而言之

censorship 审查制度

multifaceted 多层面的

rating 分级 (电影)

minors 未成年人

artistic display 艺术表达

authentic 真实的










