

2017-04-06 10:07:59 来源:北外网课

北外网课雅思教师撰写的雅思范文:教师的角色,帮助雅思备考者分析写作思路,掌握写作技能。跟随北外网课长期学习能够有效提高写作水平,更多雅思备考信息和学习资料,外语在线学习平台北外网课实时为大家更新。欢迎关注。(Written by Jasmine)

In the past, the role of teacher was to provide information. Today, students have access to wide range of information; therefore, there is no role of teacher in the modern education.

Do you agree or disagree?


同意 / 不同意


Sample Writing:

Just several decades ago, teachers used to be the major source of knowledge, the authority in the classroom, the only access of information; however, thanks to the technical changes in the world, nowadays, students can gain knowledge via tons of websites. Does it mean that teachers are no longer needed? As I consider, the role of teacher needs a shift but become even more crucial than ever.

authority 权威

access 通路,渠道

tons of 许多的,大量的

crucial 重要的,决定性的

The role of teacher is not irrelevant in the digital era since students need guidance, or else they would lose themselves in the virtual world of overloaded information. Studies show that all the use of technologies and initiatives tend to fail when there is no one to guide. When step down into the sea of information on internet, students need teachers help to find out which ones are authentic and effective, how to select among the goooogle pages, and how to cite some of them in their research papers. Mentorship is the key to shape the digital literacy of every student; it facilitates better learning in the classrooms. Without teachers guide, all technological tools are inefficiency as a learning assistant.

irrelevant 不相关的

digital era 数字时代

virtual 虚拟的

overloaded information 超载的信息

initiative 首创,创举 (这里指创新)

cite 引用

mentorship 导师制

facilitate 促进,帮助

As a professional practitioner, teachers are role model and learning companion of students. The biggest feature of contemporary knowledge is that they are huge and renewed at incredible pace, even the students who are digital natives feel confused. With matured and logical mentality, teachers introduce and pioneer the most advanced way of learning, and encourage students to think independently and critically, so that they are inspired and stimulated. To be specific, Google, YouTube, and Wikipedia can find you an answer to almost any question, but only teacher can show you the way to internalize and utilize it in an innovative way; and no search engine or social media can replace the role.

practitioner 从业者

companion 同伴

digital natives 数字原住民

mentality 心智

pioneer 作为先驱(v.)

internalize 内化

search engine 搜索引擎

Although education and tutoring are student-directed learning instead of teacher-directed teaching nowadays, the evolved teachers with digital mind carry huge responsibility to help students to grasp new leaning opportunities and assist them with proper direction. Thus, I think teaches are extremely crucial in contemporary education.

tutoring 辅导

contemporary education 当代教育










